Products > Buffalo Turbine Hydraulic
Buffalo Turbine Hydraulic
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Buffalo Turbine Hydraulic
Brand: Buffalo Turbine
The Hydraulic Debris blowers are the first of their kind, featuring a proprietary manifold setup allowing for versatility for various flow rates. With an ideal flow rate of 16 gallons per minute, the hydraulic debris blowers can be run off of most skid-steer / utv hydraulic systems. The hydraulic debris blower comes standard with skid-steer style quick-attach bracket however the machine can be ordered as a skid as well.
- 360° 12v nozzle rotation from operators position
- Nozzle options for specific applications
- Heavy-duty frame construction
- 1-piece impact resistance polymer nozzle
- Various power options (standard and high speed)
10-year manufacturer warranty
* Flow rates above 25 gallons per minute require additional components, please call (716) 592-2700.