Products > Henke Expressway
Henke Expressway
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Henke Expressway
Brand: Henke
Expressway moldboards typically have a “bow tie” (or partial “bow tie”) shape to them; they’re typically – but not always – higher on the discharge ends than in the middle. Some common End-Middle-End moldboard heights are:
- 40-40-58
- 58-40-58
- 53-46-53
- 36-36-54 – Tube Table, Torsion Trip Edge Only
- 54-36-54 – Tube Table, Torsion Trip Edge Only
- 66-41-66 – Tube Table, Slotted Trip Edge Only
Expressway moldboards are used for a wide variety of applications and in a wide variety of plowing environments:
- High Speed and/or Slow/Low Speed
- County and/or Rural and/or City/Urban
- Airport