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Side Dump Spreader Innovations Continue for Everest Equipment ❄️

Everest SDS Body
The SDS, from Everest Equipment, received constant design innovations and upgrades over several decades making it the favored body for New England weather.

For decades, the top name in the side dump spreader business has been Everest Equipment Company. Due to constant design improvements and innovations, these bodies exhibit over the competition.

In recent years, our customers saw design innovations on the Everest Side Dump Spreader’s drive coupler, conveyor tray, return shaft, cylinder bosses, bases, hinges, and rear bumper. These recent developments make the Everest SDS the best in the business.

The Everest SDS pairs with trucks over 33,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight rating. Side-tip live floor to feed longitudinal conveyor on the street side of the body. Materials spread in front of the rear tires for maximum traction in heavy snow and ice situations.

The body includes hinged conveyor covers to change to dump body mode in just a few minutes. This allows for conventional dump body use while eliminating the need to remove and store a vee-hopper or tailgate spreader.

Want the same technology for a single axle?

The Everest SDS-L is designed for trucks with a 19,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight rating. This continuous engineering and design enable our customers to tackle any job. All the while, knowing they made a sound investment in their snow and ice control fleet. This makes us proud to be an Everest Equipment dealer.

Want to know more about how Everest bodies get ahead of the competition?

Contact us today!


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Tough Equipment for
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Tough Equipment for
Demanding Professionals

Work Ready or Completely Customized